The Oakland County Transit Division has been working with the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) and local transit providers to increase and improve transportation options for people traveling to medical and personal appointments, work, school, and shopping. This requires the transit providers to expand their vehicle fleets to not only include the large fixed-route buses but also multi-passenger vans, minivans, and sedans.
How can we ensure that communities are able to accommodate these vehicles—with all their shapes and sizes, schedules, and purposes?
Municipalities approve site plans for medical facilities, senior care facilities, shopping centers, and other locations that transit vehicles need to access. Transit providers plan service areas, routes, stops and different modes of transit to serve these facilities. Coordination between municipalities and transit providers prior to plan approval can ensure that facilities incorporate essential features that enable proper pick up and drop off of passengers.
Municipalities can also partner with transit providers to determine the locations and maintenance of bus stops, park-and-ride lots, and the design of streets where bus routes operate.
Join us for a discussion on how to incorporate transit providers into your community’s planning and site plan review processes to ensure transit vehicles can access the destinations that riders need most.
Sarah Lagpacan, Principal Planner, Oakland County Transit Division
Daniel Whitehouse, Vice President of Paratransit and On-Demand Services, SMART
Sean Stayskal, Schedule Writer, SMART
10:00-10:15 a.m. - What’s New with Transit in Oakland County
10:10-10:40 a.m. - How to Accommodate Community Transit
10:40-11:00 a.m. - How to Accommodate Bus Routes
11:00-11:15 a.m. - Q&A
Questions? Contact
Jim Schafer, Oakland County | (248) 858-2033
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