What It Is
A program involving a joint effort between the Sheriff's Office and the community, designed to enhance neighborhood security, heighten the community's power of observation and encourage mutual assistance and concern among neighbors.
Need for the Program
In recent years, neighborhoods have experienced rapid change. The old, well-established, tightly-knit neighborhoods have been replaced by growing communities where residents seek more privacy. Unfortunately, opportunities for criminal activity have increased, along with citizens' vulnerability to crime.
This condition creates a need for a crime prevention program which will enhance neighborhood security, heighten the communities' powers of observation and encourage mutual assistance and concern among neighbors.
The main objective of Neighborhood Watch is to reduce the incidence of crime by:
- Increasing citizens' awareness of burglaries and other neighborhood crimes through a continuing information program (literature distribution).
- Training citizens in the means of better property security and provide them with assistance to help them implement improvements (Operation Identification and Security Surveys).
- Developing a neighborhood action program where neighbors watch each other's property and report suspicious persons and/or activities to law enforcement agencies (Neighborhood Watch).
- Encouraging all citizens to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in reporting crime.
- Enrolling each home/apartment/business in Operation Identification.
Registration Procedure for Neighborhood Watch
Please fill out the Neighborhood Watch Registration Form to register your association or update your associations' information. Forward the completed form to Sergeant Dooley (248-409-7108) at 110 E. Pike St., Pontiac, MI 48342 or fax it to 248-409-7101.