OCC' s Short-Term Training Programs will help you gain the knowledge, skills, and credentials needed for in-demand, entry-level jobs in 14 weeks or less! Our Healthcare, Manufacturing, IT, and Supply Chain programs are led by instructors with real-world experience, provide opportunities to engage with employers, and offer career readiness guidance.
T he Short-Term Training Programs Information Night will help you gain a better understanding of the follow programs: Certified Nursing Aide, CNC Machine Operator, Computer Support Technician, Logistics Technician, PLC and Robotic Technician, and Sterile Processing Technician. Join us to discover what these positions look like in the workforce, hear more about the curriculum and credentials you can earn, and learn how you might qualify to complete the training at NO COST. The basic details (location, length, start date, schedule, etc.) will also be shared.
Don't miss this opportunity to jumpstart a new career!
Join us in-person on Thursday May 18th from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.
Questions? Contact:
Education Training Specialist Le'Anna Sosnoski-Miller
248.242.4174 or llsosnos@oaklandcc.edu
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