Over time the well-worn Indigenous Saginaw Trail turned into a rough wagon road and towns like Stony Run and Groveland Corners sprouted up along it. Some were mill towns. Some were tavern towns. Some are still there. Some have all but disappeared. Join Oakland County Parks historian Carol Bacak-Egbo for a trip down the Saginaw Trail and hear those stories. This adventure will include lunch at The Farm House, a house built in the 1860s, and a tour of the historic Ellis Barn. Participants will have a trip-tik to guide them along the way and a bag of goodies to enjoy. This program includes an educational tour starting at Waterford Oaks Activity Center, bus transportation to The Farm House and the Ellis Barn and a meal that features a slider, salad and dessert. Preregister and pay by April 26. To register, call 248-858-0916.