Location: Addison Oaks County Park, Groveland Oaks County Park, Highland Oaks County Park, Independence Oaks County Parks, Lyon Oaks County Parks and Lyon Oaks Dog Park, Orion Oaks County Park, Orion Oaks Dog Park, Red Oaks Dog Park and Rose Oaks County Park
During Oakland County Parks and Recreation Free Entry Day as part of Spring Park Days, visitors can enjoy free daily park entry with access to trails, dog parks, playgrounds and fishing spots at Addison Oaks County Park, Groveland Oaks County Park, Highland Oaks County Park, Independence Oaks County Park, Lyon Oaks County Park and Lyon Oaks Dog Park, Orion Oaks County Park, Orion Oaks Dog Park, Red Oaks Dog Park and Rose Oaks County Park. Park hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset, or as posted at the park.