You must wait 21 days after your small claims judgment was signed before you can get a garnishment. Form MC 12 or MC 13, Request and Writ of Garnishment, is used to start the garnishment process. There are two types of garnishment: 1) periodic, and 2) non-periodic.
A periodic writ of garnishment - MC 12 is used to garnish the defendant's wages, rent payments, land contract payments, or other debt which is paid to the defendant on a periodic basis. A periodic garnishment is valid for up to 91 days or until the judgment, interest, and costs are paid off, whichever occurs first.
A non-periodic writ of garnishment - MC 13 is used to garnish the defendant's bank account or other property. Once money has been garnished under the non-periodic writ, the writ is no longer valid. If there is a remaining balance on the judgment, you must get another writ to collect more money. Fill in the names and addresses of both the defendant and the garnishee on the Request part of the form. The garnishee is the person or business who has control or possession of the defendant's money. Once you complete the Request, you must file it with the district court that entered your small claims judgment. The filing fee is $15.00.
The court will issue the Writ (order) by signing the form. The Request and Writ must be served on the garnishee along with the Disclosure form MC 14. If the garnishment is for periodic payments, include a $6.00 disclosure fee with the forms.