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OakFit Wellness
Nutrition Series
We are happy to announce we are now offering a three-class series on nutrition with a Registered Dietician (RD). These consecutive classes are kept small to encourage dialogue and to meet the unique needs of participants. Individualized follow up opportunities such as our Healthy Eating appointments will be offered and discussed at class three for those who would like to continue their learning.
Nutrition is about more than just the food you eat, it's about the food you choose to eat. Good nutrition requires a conscious effort to alter your lifestyle so that you can make the right eating choices, from what you buy at the grocery store to how you prepare foods at home and eating out. Nutrition coaching is an effective way to achieve your health and wellness goals.
The primary focus of this session is to teach you about the foods that, ideally, are part of your diet so that you can develop a healthy, immunity-boosting regimen.
Register to learn:
- How to eat healthier, have more energy, and prevent disease
- About portion size and reducing portions for weight loss
- How many calories you need to eat each day
- How to manage pre-diabetes or diabetes
- About food sensitivities or allergies to nuts, soy, gluten or dairy
Class 1: Healthy Plate and Portions: Registered Dietitian facilitating to discuss portion sizes, food allergies, diabetes/prediabetes. This class is to guide participants into assessing their current lifestyle habits and learning new habits to incorporate into daily eating and food choices.
Class 2: Recap of new habits and the impact they are making. Discuss barriers, dive into additional topics, and will be customized to the questions, needs, and interests of participants.
Class 3: Final class to review items discussed and how nutrition decisions will impact overall health; blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, inflammation, energy and more.